2024, Q4; Statment.
To whom it may concern,
The Tax Reform Act of 1986 introduced the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program. The current administration is expanding our budget investment towards the LIHTC and affordable housing. I agree with the party’s stance. It is also important to examine the track record of successes and its faults. I have noticed some definitions that I would like to address, specifically regarding what qualifies as safe and effective housing rehabilitation.
Supporting the Neighborhood Homes Investment Act will replenish existing communities. There is an opportunity here to analyze existing housing and properties deemed dilapidated and turn communities around. The coalition provides an eligibility map, and I believe this is a good start. Advancing in this direction, we could further mitigate private investor risk. Currently, the removal of severely deteriorated units has been very expensive and hazardous. That upfront cost can jeopardize the rejuvenation of entire city blocks. On the flip side, mere replacement windows and/or a new roof could instigate homeownership possibilities for an individual or family. Although new construction and public housing are important, are we certain that innovative materials are worth a tax credit? Would incentivizing sweat equity for individuals wishing to own a home be feasible? I would like to see the threshold to homeownership lowered and pathways multiplied. There has been a looming forecast that employment and work environments are shifting drastically. Homeownership and its ideal may need to adjust accordingly.
During the CNN exclusive on August 29th, Harris said that she would like an increase to the First-Time Homebuyer Credit capacity. Currently the Federal First-Time Homebuyer Credit Act of 2024, Introduced on Mar 15, 2024, is at 10%, capped at $15,000. Is a $150,000 home a reasonable purchase for young individuals in their 20s or low-to-moderate income homebuyers and families? Harris campaign said a new credit capacity should be set at $25,000; is a $250,000 home reasonable for the majority of first-time homebuyers? It should be noted that it was required to repay the 2008-2011 expansion to the Federal First-Time Homebuyer Credit. Is the Democratic Party missing the mark on our housing demographic? I believe it is important for our younger generations to feel and see that we have housing security in America. This is an important aspect of American life and our diverse culture. I would wish to address housing in its wide breadth. Again, I know that it is critically important that the paths and obstacles be addressed. And what exactly accounts as affordable and reasonable housing culturally these days? Harris expresses superficial antidotes, including her take on food prices. This sort of rhetoric is commonplace in politics today. While it remains very important for the next administration to address the root mechanics, solving for cause rather than patching the effect. Expanding public housing through further investment and innovation is an excellent way to provide shelter for those currently seeking housing or experiencing homelessness.
Price Gouging - Yes, it exists at times. It should be taken on a case-by-case basis. Controlling food prices at the grocery retail level produces a wave of disturbance that works itself directly backward. It impacts American farms, risking quality and increasing foreign dependency. Improving food self-sufficiency enhances quality, meets the needs of local markets, responds to consumer expectations faster and more directly, while providing employment and lowering costs in the long term. Dependence on foreign sources of produce and meat is hazardous and intensifies food insecurity.
Self-reliance is a cornerstone of independence. A national pharmaceutical purchasing program could potentially lower the cost of high-demand medications. When we talk about life-saving medications such as insulin (currently capped at $35 a month for seniors), affordability and safety are essential rights and fall under the oath to do no harm.
For instance, S.3615, the ‘Cutting Medicare Prescription Drug Prices in Half Act’, would essentially do just that. However, much of this bill specifies importation, which reiterates my point that we face major risks with our current state of foreign dependencies. Additionally, when you read this bill, you will notice that it applies only to Medicare, simultaneously implying an undermining of the Veterans Affairs (VA) effort. I have previously mentioned how I would like to improve Veteran benefits. A national pharmaceutical purchasing program could potentially lower VA purchasing agreements. Furthermore, a homeland synthesis of pharmaceutical drugs would ramp up our national prowess; small-scale pharmaceutical companies in the states are often ousted from manufacturing.
The Bipartisan Border Agreement Funding on Border Operation The Bipartisan Border Agreement Funding on Border Operation proposes a $20 billion option, adding 1,500 new agents to the existing 20,000 border patrol agent roster. I agree that human and drug trafficking need to be significantly curbed, if not stopped completely, and that transnational criminals and organizations need to be prosecuted. Our border enforcement zone, introduced in the 1950s, is still reasonable.
When Dana Bash asked Harris to state her current position on fracking shale for natural gas, I was unsure if I would address it. Once a layer in the earth’s crust is fractured to release trapped gases, there is no return to its prior state. Natural gas will continue to escape regardless of fracking being banned and those sites becoming abandoned. The carcinogenic gases released when fracturing shale escape into the atmosphere, absorb into the water, and seep through the soil. This is an extremely volatile substance found in nature. Naturally occurring formations of trapped gases in the subsurface crust are potentially catastrophic when left untouched. You cannot put it back in the bottle.
Clean water is a concern that every community on earth deals with. I have mentioned this topic previously. In 2021, I began considering large-scale industrial distillation as the most effective method for producing clean water. I have told many people about this idea, and we are all excited about its potential. North America has a long history of distillation; it is a very safe and effective method when used to produce H2O steam and not flammable substances such as alcohol for liquors. In 2022, it became obvious that due to the extensive pollution found in all water, a first-step filtration through a ceramic membrane is still required. It is very unfortunate for all living creatures that Earth’s microplastic contamination has gotten so far out of control. Plastic is a major component of the climate crisis; plastic is oil. On the upside, distillation itself is the answer to producing drinking water from salt water.
Thank you for your attention to these important matters. I look forward to seeing positive changes and continued discussions on these critical issues.
Godspeed,Adam Dunn